A message to all Ethiopians worldwide who love their motherland as much as we do. Our beloved country is under unprecedent attack from domestic, foreign and western media propaganda. Please JOIN us on Saturday April 3rd , 2021 for the largest rally in support of Ethiopia ever organized in America. We want to make tis rally historic in size, scope and messaging. The purpose of our rally is to CELEBRATE Ethiopian unity and diversity and to publicity show our love of country. We will make our voices are heard in front of America's greatest patriot, President Abraham Lincoln, at the footstep of his memorial on the Washington Mall, Washington, DC. Fly, drive, walk! No matter your mode of transportation, show up on this day in large numbers, bring your family and friends and let the world know how you feel about your motherland.
DATE: Saturday, APRIL 3rd, 2021 WHERE: Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC
If you plan to join us at this rally, please plan ahead of time to attend. Request time off from work. Use sick days or call in sick if you have to. Whatever you do, make sure you come and be counted.
If you are planning to fly or drive, make your flight, hotel and car reservation well in advance so you get a good deal.
We will update this section of the website if we have a host hotel with negotiated pricing in advance.
THANK YOU for your service gallantry and bravery. THANK YOU for your service and THANK YOU for protecting us. May this generation have the same grace and composure as you have showed after being betrayed in cold blood. May this generation have the same valor and honor as you have shown to all of us. THANK YOU for showing us your moral high ground and for conducting your self in a dignified manner. May god continue to bless you and your families. THANK YOU for saving our country from disintegration.
Historian will record your complicity in pushing a false narrative depicting the Ethiopian Federal Government as the aggressor in the conflict. We will not forget how you stayed silent when our soldiers were killed in cold blood in the dead of silent by the same people they were there to protect. We will not forget how you ignored 10 much bigger conflicts in other parts of the world, but instead decided to focus everyday on hurting our country.
We know you are the receipents of looted cash. You now traffic and profit from trashing and demeaning our country. we know your goal is to hasten the disintgegration of Ethiopia. We will not stay quite as you assualt our country with a baragge of lies and propaganda. We will push back louder and our detrmination to expose the truth will only get stronger. You will not achive your goal!